Step 1. Choose files to share
Drag&drop or click above to upload files.
Max file size = 800 MB. Any file extension.
If you have many files or want to maintain your folder structure, consider zipping your files or folders into a single file before uploading.
Step 2. Choose protection level
Use this option to send files that are not sensitive and that would not expose you or the organization if this content were to find itself in the hands of unintended individuals.
This would be as secure as sending e-mail to an external recipient.
This option requires a password from anyone who wishes to download the file(s).
The password will be generated for you, unique for your upload. This intended to provide some level of protection so that unauthorized individuals cannot obtain the content.
Be mindful to whom you communicate the password and remind them not to share it without your approval.
This is intended to provide a mechanism for highly sensitive information. Not only will your recipients require a password to download the files, but the file itself will be compressed and protected by an additional password.
When sharing the passwords with your intended audience, please remind them of the sensitivity of this information and to ensure that they protect the passwords adequately.
Please note that if you are planning to send Patient Information you should have consulted the Privacy department before doing so.
Please provide valid Unzip password: 8 to 12 characters long, with at least 1 upper and 1 lower case character, and at least 1 digit.
Step 3. Your email address
The download link will be sent to the address you specify below.
You can then share that link with the people you want to give access to your files.
All done!
Upload complete!
Check your INBOX: an email was sent that contains the download link. You can share it with the people you want to give access to the uploaded files.
Tell us how we did! Leave your Feedback
Start another Upload
In order to use this service, either the sender OR the receiver must be a UHN staff member or have access to the UHN Network.
If your intended receiver is NOT part of UHN, you must upload from within the UHN network or use your UHN email address in Step 3.